Tuesday, November 27, 2012

A List for Tuesday

5 Reasons I Love My Job at Paper Source

  1. My boss Meg is awesome! She's a fun mix of my sisters Heidi and Heather. (Heidi: when someone says something random she always says, "These potatoes are so creamy" or "Mary mashed 'em.")
  2. It's a beautiful place to work. I mean that literally. You walk in and it's bright with lots of color everywhere and it just makes me happy.
  3. I'm good at it. I've been working there for less than a month and I'm being considered for a promotion.
  4. It's really fun to help people with their projects or wedding invitations, or helping them come up with ideas for gifts.
  5. It's nice to have something that's just mine. I don't share it with anyone else. I haven't had that in a long time and I really needed it.
What do you love about your job?

Monday, November 26, 2012

Unplugging in December

This morning, after having spent a good portion of the night not sleeping, I came to a decision. I am going to "unplug" in December. Only my computer. I need my phone, obviously, and movies are a big part of the Christmas experience, so I won't be unplugging anything else.

I realized how much time I spent on my computer. A lot of time I'm not even doing anything, just burying my face in the screen and wasting time. Sure I do good things on my computer, but I think the "junk" has overtaken something fierce.

So, beginning December 1st, I am going to do all my writing by hand, not read my emails, not play Diablo III and stay away from Facebook, Hulu, and all those wonderful writing blogs I follow. I won't be posting here either, of course, but that really isn't much of a difference since I only post about once a week (if that).

There are two notable exceptions to this rule, however. I may have to use the computer at work, and I'm also working on a super-secret project/gift. I'm hoping to finish it before December, but that might not happen. Other than that I am staying away from all things computer-ish.

So if you need me call, write a letter, or drop on by! I'll be having fun with my boys, paying more attention to them than I have in a long time (possibly ever). I'll be trying my best to get that warm, glowing Christmas feeling. I'll be baking cookies and listening to Christmas music; decorating and wrapping. NOT multi-tasking, and NOT worrying about anything but my little family right here and right now.

If you need anything before then, you better let me know now!

Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

A List for Tuesday

5 Random Things Because I'm in a Random Mood

  1. I have a fear of getting prematurely old. I saw a picture of a girl my age (who I went to high school with) and she looked like she was about 40. What if that happens to me?
  2. I love my job. Really super-duper love it. And my boss is awesome.
  3. I am in full Christmas planning mode and it's fun to make the choices of what to buy the boys. This year we're giving them 4 gifts: something they want, something they need, something to wear, and something to read.
  4. I wish I had money for a whole new wardrobe. I'm tired of all my clothes and want to start over from the ground up. Not gonna happen.
  5. My boys have been so busy lately, they make me tired just watching them!
Tell me one random thing going on in your head.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

A Few Things About Dutch

We went in for Dutch's parent/teacher conference last week. It was full of surprises! Almost without exception Dutch has improved enormously in everything since school started. He's more social, more engaged, paying more attention, listening better, and - the best of all! - he now has "normal" speech for his age. I was so surprised when his teacher and speech language pathologist told us that!

The last few months his language has just exploded, but I hadn't realized it had gotten THAT good. He's used words like "catastrophe" and "ruckus" and keeps surprising us with how much he's willing to say. There are still times when I can't understand a word, but those are few and far between.

To put this in perspective: Last year on Dutch's first day of pre-school I asked him what he did at school today and he responded, "I played with toys." I cried because that was the most he had ever said all at once. Now, only a year and a few months later, he is telling Chris, "Daddy, take your coat off. It's really nice in here."

His teacher said that he should be ready for kindergarten next year, no questions asked. That made me really nervous. Chris and I had dabbled with the idea of holding Dutch back a year, just to make sure he was ready. Turns out he won't be eligible for the early intervention program next year because their policy is if the kid is 5 he goes to kindergarten.

Friday the answer to my prayers came. A few weeks ago Chris had applied Dutch for a special autism starter program that the state is starting. They had so many applicants that they did a lottery and picked 250 kids. Dutch was one of them. This means that he will get a lot of extra help, one-on-one attention, and a lot of opportunities he wouldn't otherwise have.

I feel really lucky and blessed that things are going so well for Dutch. Like every mother, I worry about what the world holds for my child. Now I can rest a little easier knowing that he is being given his best chance to succeed through all these amazing programs and people.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

A List for Tuesday

Five Reasons I'm in a Funk

  1. I was sick last week and my body is still recovering. Seriously, I thought I was going to die, I couldn't even move without being sick. It was horrible. Dutch took such great care of me and both boys were so good for me. At least I think they were. It's all kind of a blur.
  2. Reading has not come as easily to me the last couple of months. For every book I finish I start about 5 or 6. I'm tired of having to slog through so much crap before I get to a good one. I can only imagine how editors and agents feel. Life is always harder when I'm not reading a good book.
  3. I started a new job. It's only part-time, but it's going to take a little bit of adjustment. So far I have not found the right balance on days I have to work.
  4. My writing is going really well. Wait, what? Why, you ask, would that put me in a funk? I'm not exactly sure. I think it has something to do with being afraid of messing it up because it's going so well.
  5. Dutch is not sleeping very well and therefore I am not sleeping very well.
Any suggestions to pull me out of my funk?

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Baby Dane's 18-Month Stats

Baby Dane turned 18 months old on Sunday. Yesterday he went to the pediatrician for his well-baby visit. Here is a list of Baby Dane facts:

  • Weight: 22 lbs 11.5 oz, putting him in the 12th percentile
  • Length: 30.6 in, putting him in the 8th percentile
  • Head circumference: 46.6 cm, putting him in the 15th percentile
  • Weight/length: 50th percentile
  • Long story short, he's a little dude
  • Favorite thing to eat: anything but meat
  • Number of shots he had to get yesterday: two
  • Favorite thing to say: "No-no!" Usually said to me when I'm scolding him or to Captain when he barks.
  • Favorite thing to do: Climb on the table and yell for me to get him down.
  • Number of times he's done it in the last hour: 3
  • Halloween costume: the cutest parrot you've ever seen
  • Number of haircuts: 1
  • Favorite person in the world: Jenel (my writing critique partner and good friend), or Bella (his cousin)
  • Autism screening: PASSED! (I will probably write an entire post about this later, but I was so excited to realize that Dane has none of the warning signs of autism that Dutch had)
  • Number of books he's destroyed: 4+
  • Favorite music: anything but country (seriously, he'll be dancing and then a country song will come on and he'll immediately stop. It's crazy!)
  • Number of kisses he's willingly given me: 3
  • Number of kisses I've asked for and been denied: 100+
Anything else you want to know about Baby Dane?

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Dane's First Haircut

Cute hair, but a little mullett-tastic

I've got a sucker,
I get to play in a peddle car,
I get to watch Phineas and Ferb.
Life is good.

Why are you letting her torment me in such a fashion?

That wasn't so bad.
I got a balloon afterwards.
And now I look like a little man.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

A List for Tuesday

One of my favorite authors did a post on her website about five books that changed her. It was an interesting list and I decided to do my own. I encourage you to do the same.

Five Books That Changed Me
(in chronological order)

1. Little Black Sambo by Helen Bannerman One of the only books from my childhood that I remember with perfect clarity. I had a pair of pajamas with hula girls on them that I thought of as my Little Black Sambo pajamas. It makes me laugh to know that this is a banned book now. Thinking about it now, this was my first foray into stories written like folktales.

2. Stonewords: A Ghost Story by Pam Conrad I'm not sure why this book had such an impact on me, but I think it had something to do with the descriptive language. There are images from this book that are so well-described I can still see them in my mind's eye.

3. Last Act by Christopher Pike I wouldn't say that this book is in any way fine literature, but it's a book that spoke to me. A bookish girl moves to a new town and finds her place in the theatre department (although things get a little complicated from there). I was in middle school when I first read it and had just moved from Texas to Utah. I had my exact same copy of it until recently, when Baby Dane took it upon himself to tear all the pages out.

4. The Scarlet Pimpernel by Baroness Orczy My introduction to this book came in Mrs. Brandt's English class my junior year of high school. We watched the A&E made-for-TV movie starring Anthony Andrews and Jane Seymour. I was absolutely in love at first sight! The only library in my area that carried it was the Manti Library, so I had to go and get a library card there. It was a ratty paperback version that was falling apart. The first book that I blatantly imitated, trying to write a story in exactly the same language as Baroness Orczy.

5. Ella Enchanted by Gail Carsone Levine The book that inspired me to write fairy tales. The book that led me to seek out every other fairy tale re-telling I could find. The book that I chose to be my companion as I hiked from rim to rim of the Grand Canyon, where every ounce of weight in my pack mattered. A very important book indeed.

I showed you mine, now show me yours. What are five books that changed you?

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

A List for Tuesday

5 Things That Make Me Laugh

  1. When something good happens Dutch yells, "Happy birthday!"
  2. If Dutch and Chris are wrestling, Dane will jump right in to the fray.
  3. Right after Dutch falls asleep Captain curls up next to him, knowing it's finally safe to snuggle him without risk of Dutch's (close to abusive) love.
  4. Reminiscing with Chris about things we've done or said in the past.
  5. Dane's laugh.
What makes you laugh?

Sunday, October 14, 2012

A Halloween Conversation

Pam: What are you going to be for Halloween?
Dutch: A pirate! Arrr!
Pam: What's Dane-Dane going to be?
Dutch: A parrot!
Pam: What's Mommy going to be?
Dutch: A princess for pirates!
Pam: What's Daddy going to be?
Dutch: A pooper!

This after I've told him many times that Daddy is a party pooper and won't dress up for Halloween.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Sometimes Bad Things Happen to Good People

I went to see my psychiatrist yesterday. Yes, I see a psychiatrist. He keeps me sane, literally. I see him every couple of months to make sure my meds are working, that I'm not suicidal again, and to talk over things that could be harming my mental health. I always leave feeling drained, but happy.

I haven't talked with him for three months and when I went to see him I realized a LOT has happened in the last three months. A lot of bad mixed with good.

I've been trying really hard to focus on the good things these last couple of weeks. If I focused on the bad I would probably spend my days crying, curled up on the bathroom floor. So here is a list of good things that I wanted to tell you about:

  1. We got a new dog named Captain Buddy and he is perfect for our little family. We are back to being a one family dog and I really do prefer it. Two dogs is just too crazy.
  2. I got a job! My first "real" job since before Dutch was born. I'll be working at a place called Paper Source where I'll be able to teach classes and demonstrate crafting items. As a bonus, I'll be working nights and weekends, so I'll still be able to be a stay-at-home mom during the day! It was a big decision to go back to work, but I know it's the right thing to do.
  3. My sister Heather and I started a new blog to showcase the altered books we've made before we sell them: The Girls With the Red Shoes. Check it out and tell me what you think!
  4. I have the best friends in the world! They are so supportive and loving. I don't  know what I've done to deserve the amazing people in my life.
  5. A special shout-out to my friend and writing critique partner Jenel! Without her I would never get any writing done.
  6. I am going to be doing my second flea market on Saturday. This time I'll be doing it alone since Heather can't make it, but I think it will be fun. Hopefully there will be a good turn out and a lot of people will want to buy my altered books, etc.!
Things are hard and sometimes bad things happen to good people. Sometimes promises get broken and things that you thought were indestructible start to fall apart. That's the time to get on your knees and pray. That's the time to pull out a journal and write down what you're grateful for. That's the time to count your blessings, because the good will always outweigh the bad if you put more focus on the good.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Resolution Horse Company

Today was Dutch's last day riding horses at Resolution Horse Company. While we were there he worked with three trainers: Terri, Sarah, and Bruce; and three horses: Feliz (which I thought was Felice), Dixie, and Bisbee.

It's been such a great experience for him to be around the horses and learn to take care of them, how to behave around them, and to have a relationship with them. I am very grateful to the whole team there for everything they've done. I hope and pray that they will be able to find a job locally so we can enjoy many more years of horseback riding with them!

 Dutch riding Feliz on his first day

 Dutch with Miss Sarah

Dutch looking awesome in his Lightning McQueen helmet

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Over Eight Years Ago...

That's how long it's been since I had a job interview where I hadn't already been promised the job. My last job interview at all was five years ago. It's been awhile since I've been out in the workforce, I guess you could say.

Tomorrow I have an interview.

It's for a part-time job at a place where I feel like I could really be creative and use a lot of my artistic skills. I'm hoping to work nights so I can still be with the boys during the day. I'm nervous, but at the same time so confident that whatever happens will be for the best. That's an attitude I've been trying to cultivate lately.

Que sera, sera!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

A List for Tuesday

5 Awesome Things About Having a Little Dog
(in no particular order)

1. Dutch has someone to snuggle with. Last night Dutch fell asleep on the couch and Captain curled up on him and fell asleep too.
2. I have someone to snuggle with. None of my boys are very snuggly, although they will snuggle with each other sometimes (how is that fair!), so it's nice to have a ball of fluff that will curl up on my lap.
3. He's so soft!
4. I don't have to clean up the food Baby Dane drops from his highchair.
5. When he's naughty I can just pick him up and put him in his crate, I don't have to try to corral him!

Pictures will come as soon as I remember to buy AA batteries for my camera!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Oh Captain My Captain

This is kind of a roundabout story, so just hang on until the end.

First of all, this is a conversation we've had with Dutch a lot lately:
Mom/Dad: Do you want another dog?
Dutch: Yes.
M/D: Do you want a little dog or a big dog?
D: Little dog.
M/D: Do you want a girl dog or a boy dog?
D: Boy dog.
M/D: What would you name your dog?
D: Captain.

Here's a different story:
Chris's co-worker Joan's partner RuthAnn (got that?) rescued a dog from Redwood Road a few weeks ago. It was a little white Maltese/poodle mix (which I learned today are called malti-poos). They named him Buddy and took him home to get him cleaned up, checked up, and up-to-date on all his shots. They put a pound or two on his scrawny frame, neutered him, and made sure he was 100% healthy.

Then Joan asked Chris if we wanted him.

Joan and RuthAnn already have 3 little dogs and couldn't keep Buddy on a permanent basis. Chris asked me what I thought and we decided to give him a trial run at our house after Dutch started school and after Joan and RuthAnn got back from a camping trip.

Last night we picked him up. Dutch immediately started calling him Captain and gave him a big hug and said, "I wuv you, Captain."

So, now he's at our house. His official name is Captain Buddy so it will (hopefully) be an easier transition from Buddy to Captain. So far it's been okay. He's SUPER snuggly which both Dutch and I love. He's had one accident in the house (not bad for a boy dog) and he ran away. Apparently he can slip through the slats of our fence in the front yard. Right after I found him we went to Petco and bought him a tether and lead so he can be outside with minimal supervision and not run away.

We've decided to reserve judgement for one week. Then we'll decide whether to keep him or ask Joan and RuthAnn to find a new home for him. Wish us luck!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

My Dutchie

I can't upload pictures to my blog. I have a very funny blog about Dutch cutting his own hair, but it just doesn't work without pictures. This blog would be so much better with a precocious picture of Dutch. Instead you'll just have to imagine one.

The other day I had an acquaintance asking me if I was every bitter that Dutch was autistic. The question knocked me back. Of course I'm not bitter! I don't think of Dutch's autism as something negative that makes him more difficult to deal with, I see it as part of who he is and it shapes a lot of his personality. I worry about him, of course, but what mother doesn't worry about her child?

Dutch does not have full-blown autism, but he is on the autism spectrum. His autism is most prevalent in his (lack of) speech and in his social skills. There are other things as well, but those are the main ones. In the year since he was diagnosed I don't feel like that knowledge has changed my behavior toward him at all. Perhaps it's made me more understanding when he has a meltdown, but I still treat him (and discipline him) as I always have.

Tuesday Dutch started his second year of early-intervention pre-school. After his first day of school last year I asked him what he did at school. I didn't expect an answer, but Dutch said, clear as a bell, "I played with toys." I started to cry. It was the most words he'd put together on his own EVER. It's amazing to think that was only a year ago. He's come so far since then.

I'm grateful for the wonderful program the school has in place. I'm grateful for supportive family and friends who understand Dutch's quirks and love him for them. I'm grateful for Dutch's hard work and how much he tries. I'm grateful because I'm so lucky.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

A Quiet Moment

Dane usually sleeps in until 8 or 9, a practice I obviously encourage. This morning, however, I woke up at around 6:30 and heard him crying. I went into his room and picked him up. Poor baby was cold. It's time to turn off the fan and start pulling out the warm jammies.

I went and sat on the couch with him. Dane was still tired so he snuggled up against me and stared out the window. I wrapped him in my blue silk blanket from when I was a baby. I played with his hair, soft like the down of a chick. We watched the sun rise over the mountains.

It was only a moment of quiet before everyone woke up and the day began, but it was nice to share that moment with my Baby Dane.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

A List for Tuesday

5 Things I Wonder About Regularly
(in no particular order)

1. How does Dr. Doofenshmirtz know Perry the Platypus's name?
2. Why do so many people think Dane is a girl?
3. Why is it that my kids will ignore me until I have something important to do?
4. How many kid shows can I watch before my brain turns to mush?
5. What does penguin taste like?

What do you wonder about?

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

A List for Tuesday

5 Things Dane Says All The Time
(in no particular order)

1. Nah-nah-nah - loosely translated means, "Give me food now!"
2. Dane-Dane - he likes to say his own name repeatedly.
3. What doin'?/How doin'? - his first sentence! The other day his Uncle Zakky walked into the room and he asked him, "How doin'?"
4. Hello - said with a strong W sound in place of the L's.
5. Da - used to refer to his favorite person in the world: his Daddy!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Good Friends are Hard to Find

I've never been very good at keeping friends. I'm okay at making them, but if they're too much work then I just give up on them. Somehow, even with my selfishness and total lack of compassion for others, I have been lucky enough to have some of the best friends in the world. Here are just a couple of examples:

On Friday night my friend Julie and I went to see Roman Holiday at Pioneer Park downtown. The only thing that could make this awesome movie better is seeing it outside, with free popcorn, on a warm summer night with one of my favorite people. It also helped that Julie had never seen it before and it had been a long time since I'd seen it.

Gregory Peck is so dreamy. Just saying.

On Saturday my friend Jenel and I drove together to our monthly book club (which, despite my encouragement, still has not been named). I think my favorite part of the night was the ride there and back because I can talk to Jenel about pretty much anything and know that she doesn't judge. It's a nice feeling. Not to slight the girls at book club, however. Cat has been my friend for years now and I don't know what i would do without her!

Lastly, two of my friends from Seton Hill have been keeping an inside joke alive on Facebook and it made me smile. I graduated over 2 1/2 years ago, but I'm still close to the friends I made there.

So even though good friends are hard to find, I seem to have found quite a few without really trying. I'm one lucky chick.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

A List for Tuesday

5 Reasons it Sucks That Bo is Dead
(in no particular order)

1. Dutch asks on an almost daily basis where Bo is and anytime anyone is sad he tells me it's because they miss Bo.
2. The food under Baby Dane's high chair does not magically disappear.
3. I have a hard time writing at the house without my furry footstool.
4. I'll be doing something and suddenly remember that he's gone. It hurts all over again.
5. When I can't sleep there isn't anyone to keep me company.

I miss him so much.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Balloon Festival

On Saturday morning we got up bright and early, walked a few blocks down to our local park and watched a dozen or so hot air balloons take off. Heather and her girls were with us and the kids loved it. I always think of The Wizard of Oz when I see hot air balloons, and lines from the musical Wicked kept going through my mind. Here is my favorite picture of the event, taken by my sister Heather:

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Photo Catch-Up Highlight Reel

I found my camera cord! And here are a few photo highlights from our summer.

Midnight showing of "The Avengers" with Clarissa 

Dane and Evie meeting for the first time 

Brand new fence for the yard 

Dutch and Dane playing with the cardboard house
Aunt Amy gave them.
(You can see Greg's hand;
he barely fit inside,
but the boys thought it was hilarious.) 

First year of pre-school over! 

Posing with his "diploma" 

 The frog that likes to get caught everywhere.
We first found him in the water valve box,
then one basement window well,
then the other basement window well.
I think he is not so bright.

 Dutch's very first horseback riding lesson!
The horse is named Felice.

 Tracy Aviary with the cousins

Tracy Aviary, looking at the flamingos.

More summer pictures coming soon!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Dutch and Dane Stats

We took a trip to the pediatrician this week to see how the little bubbas are growing. Dutch went in for his 4-year check-up and Dane went in for his 15-monther. Here are the vital stats:

Weight: 50 lbs 6 oz (97th percentile)
Height: 45.7 in (99th percentile)

Weight: 21 lbs 3.5 oz (10th percentile)
Length: 29.3 in (5th percentile)
Head Circumference: 46 cm (15th percentile)

So, in short, Dutch is super-huge for his age and Dane is super-small. They are both healthy and adorable. They also both had to get shots and neither one of them cried! The nurse was very complimentary about my tough, brave boys!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

A List for Tuesday

5 Things That Made July Crazy

1. Dutch turned 4
2. Bo passed away
3. Bailey Family reunion
4. My niece Anneke's baptism
5. Family staying at my house - I have to say I love having a place big enough to accommodate everyone!

What was your July like?

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Bo the Wonder Dog

Wednesday morning Bo the Wonder Dog passed away in his sleep. He was part of our family for 5 1/2 years and we're all having a hard time adjusting to him being gone.

We're grateful that he went peacefully and for all the love he gave us while he was alive. What's your favorite memory of Bo?

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Dutch's 4th Birthday!

Camera cord is still lost. One of these days there will be a series of all-picture posts!

Yesterday was Dutch's Golden Brithday - he turned 4 on the 4th! When Chris wished Dutch a happy birthday the first thing Dutch said was, "FIREWORKS!" It seems he associates his birthday with fireworks, and rightly so.

We went over to Bah and Honey's house for brunch where Dutch received his first two presents of the day. A remote control Jeep from Uncle Zaque and Aunt Amy, and a pair of water guns from Bah. He loved them both, of course, but the Jeep got it's own song: "I love my Jeep! I love my Jeep!" repeated over and over again.

The water guns were only fun if he was shooting them at you, but not if you were shooting them at him! And when Chris swiped his gun and shot him with it, Dutch was VERY upset. So I guess we're going to have to work on the rules of water gunning.

As his birthday present from us Chris and I took Dutch to the movies to see Madagascar 3. We convinced Grandma Honey to come with us too. For the most part Dutch really loved it. He also loved having a soda and popcorn.

Chris let Dutch pick out his birthday cake and he chose a covered-in-bright-red-frosting Elmo cake. We shared it with Bah, Honey, Uncle Zaque, and Aunt Amy. Grandma Honey gave Dutch a family photo album, and he refused to believe that the baby in the pictures were him.

We topped the evening off with Sandy City's fireworks display. On the way home from watching the fireworks Dutch fell dead asleep and didn't wake up until 8:30 this morning!

I think it's safe to say it was a pretty awesome birthday for our big 4-year-old.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

A List for Tuesday

5 Awesome Things That Happened While My Sister Heather and Her Two Girls Visited
(in no particular order)

1. Heather and I were constantly mishearing Dutch and Evie which led to hilarious moments. The best was when we thought Evie had said she broke Dutch's cookie finger.
2. Evie peed on my driveway. No, that's not a typo.
3. We went to Farm Country at Thanksgiving Point and Dutch kept yelling at Heather, "I'm riding my horsie!"
4. Every time anyone had anything to eat Dane would walk/crawl over and open his mouth like a little bird looking for handouts.
5. Bella took better care of Dane than anyone else ever has. I'm pretty sure he loved having her at his beck and call.

Have a happy Independence Day/Dutch's birthday tomorrow!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

All Apologies (Or Not)

I always get annoyed when every time someone posts on their blog they start by apologizing that they don't post more. It's YOUR blog, you don't have to answer to anyone but yourself! With this in mind I realized I haven't blogged a lot lately and that makes me sad. I just feel like there isn't much to talk about. Then I stop and think about it and there is TONS to talk about.

I still can't find my camera cord so this will, once again, be a picture-less post.

  • Dane is walking and talking and becoming the definition of toddler. He seems SO small to me to be doing all of these things. I keep telling him to stay a baby. "Mama loves her Baby Dane and wants him to stay her Baby Dane."
  • Dutch has been talking up a storm lately. He's so much more verbal than he was even six months ago. Speech therapy and early-intervention pre-school have been the best things for him. I worry about him a lot. I'm afraid that because he'll be the biggest kid in his class when he starts "real" school people with think he's dumb. I don't want him to have any of that kind of negativity put in his head. I don't want him to wonder if they're right. I want him to be happy and healthy and confident.
  • Dane loves the sound of his name. He repeats it over and over again. I'm glad he has such an easy name to say!
  • Dutch has been trying so hard lately. To be a good big brother; to poop on the potty (no accidents yet!); to do things that make Mama happy. The other day he was yelling at me and being kind of mean and I told him it made me sad. He immediately came over and gave me a hug and told me "'S'okay, Mama. Ohhh. Don't be sad."
  • Dane's new favorite game is Touch the Dog. He will watch Bo from across the room and wait for him to fall asleep. Then he crawls/walks over to him and tries to pet him before Bo wakes up and moves. When Dutch was a baby Bo had eternal patience at being crawled all over. Now that he's a crotchety old man Dane is lucky to even pet him!
  • Dutch started his summer pre-school this week. He'll go three more weeks after this one. Two in July and one in August. It's fun for him and nice for Dane and I to have some time alone together. It's an all around good time for everyone!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

A List for Tuesday

5 Awesome Things About the Writing and Illustrating for Young Readers (WIFYR) Conference
(in no particular order)

1. It's a great opportunity to meet other writers and learn from them.
2. I get to spend every afternoon with my friend (and critique partner) Jenel.
3. Every once in a while I need additional writing motivation and this definitely offers that.
4. Who knows what will come from the networking I'm doing! Maybe I'll meet someone who will introduce me to someone who will help me get my book published.
5. It's fun to be away from the boys doing my own thing for 3 hours every day!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day to my Dad

I probably should have ENDED this series of posts today, but instead I am starting them. This week I will write a post to the 3 most important Dad's in my life in honor of Father's Day. Today I will start with my own Daddy.

Probably one of my favorite pictures ever.

My dad is awesome. When I was a kid my dad was constantly coming up with fun things for us to do. Not to mention he made us lunches for school and breakfast every day (cinnamon toast was my favorite). My dad is a lefty and he's amazingly artistic. Every different kind of art he tries he excels in. My dad is the king of cheesy puns and jokes. He has ones that he's used for years, but people always laugh at them (even though I tell them to stop encouraging him).

My dad has always been super-supportive of my writing. He continued to buy me notebooks when I was a kid, even though I had about 50 of them. When Chris started applying to PA schools my dad asked the magic question, "But what are YOU going to do?" that led me to apply to Seton Hill's Writing Popular Fiction program. A decision that definitely changed my life.  

Daddy and I didn't always have the great relationship we have now. For a long time we were sort of stuck in the same relationship we'd had since I was 16. I don't know what changed or exactly when, but now we're very close. I try to call my parents at least once a week and I always love talking to my dad. I miss him when he's not around and I'm glad when he is.

Happy Father's Day to the best dad I could have asked for. I love you!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Some Stolen Pictures

So I have pictures from Dutch's graduation that I need to upload. Unfortunately I can't remember where I put my cord. In the meantime I will offer you some pictures I swiped from my sister Heather. They were all taken by her.

 Dane at Roy's in Ephraim 
eating my sunglasses instead of pizza

 Dane with his cousin Bella
(she taught him how to clap)

 Dane and Bella

 The face Dane gives anyone he's not sure about
(he has yet to stop giving it to his Uncle Zaque)

 Dutch in desperate need of a haircut

He's so handsome
(even with a scratch on his face)

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

A List for Tuesday

Five Reasons Dutch's Pre-School "Graduation" Was Awesome
(in no particular order)

1. All the kids had little crowns that looked like graduation caps.
2. Dutch was so excited that we were there he kept yelling, "Teacher! Teacher! Look!" and pointing at Chris or Greg.
3. When they played a video of pictures from the school year the little girl behind us was giving a running commentary about what she thought of all the kids. Example: "That's [So-and-so], she sits by me sometimes. I don't like her at all."
4. I got to meet all of Dutch's friends. Including Sam who he apparently caused a lot of trouble with.
5. All of Dutch's teachers told me how much they loved having him in class and how cute he was.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Big Dutch News

Three items of big Dutch news.

1. Last night, for the first time since we moved into this house in September, Dutch slept in his own bed ALL NIGHT LONG! I am attributing this in equal parts to his "new" big boy bed and the Cars 2 (or, as Dutch calls it, "Johnny Missile") bed sheets.

2. He has been doing fantastic with potty training lately. We haven't had a poop accident for over a week, maybe even two! It happened right after I called my sister in despair, telling her I was sure he would NEVER poop on the toilet. I know he didn't overhear since he wasn't home when I placed the call, but somehow he knew that Mama really needed him to get potty-trained. It is, by far, my least favorite part of motherhood.

3. Next week Dutch "graduates" from his first year of early-intervention pre-school! I remember his very first day of school when I asked him what he had done that day and he said, "I played with toys." It was the most he had ever spoken all at once and I started crying. Since then he has grown so much and his language improves every single day. I don't talk about it very much, but I'm so grateful for his teachers, bus drivers, and, especially, his speech language pathologist.

That's the big Dutch news for this week!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

A List for Tuesday

I have been re-reading my Jane Austen. After I finished Emma I decided to watch all the movie adaptations of it that I could find. There were only four. Here are lists about them.

Favorite Emma Movie Adaptations
(in order of preference)
1. Emma (2009) - the BBC mini-series version
2. Emma (1996) - the one with Gwyneth Paltrow
3. Clueless (1995) - the oh-so-90s version
4. Emma (1996) - made for TV version starring Kate Beckinsale

Favorite Portrayal of Emma
(in order of preference)
1. Gwyneth Paltrow
2. Romola Garai
3. Kate Beckinsale
4. Alicia Silverstone

Favorite Portrayal of Knightley
(in order of preference)
1. Johnny Lee Miller
2. Jeremy Northam
3. Paul Rudd
4. Mark Strong

Favorite line from the Emma movies: "It was badly done, Emma. Badly done indeed." (A version of this line is used in all three Emma movies, but not in Clueless.)

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Poor Neglected Blog

I remember back when I first started my blog I would post almost every day. It was literally the best way to keep in contact with my family. I think it also helped that I was doing so much writing. Writing begets more writing. Lately I've been doing a lot of editing which uses a different part of my brain. I used to be really good about getting my lists on Tuesdays so I was at least posting once a week, but the last few weeks my lists have been hard to come up with.

So, in short, life is great, but I haven't felt like writing. Any list suggestions?

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

A List for Tuesday

5 Reasons Why I Love My Friends:

  1. They invite me to go to awesome movies with them.
  2. They are super-supportive of all my talents.
  3. They love my boys (and my boys love them).
  4. They accept me for who I am.
  5. When we're together it feels like hours are only minutes.
Why do you love your friends?

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

More Baby Dane Party Pics

Chris took some pictures on the other camera and I haven't uploaded them yet (mostly because I don't know how), but here are a few others that I took with my camera.

 Dane and Dutch with Bah

 Chris and the boys
Dane was completely in awe of the Cat in the Hat hat

 The boys with their Mama
You can't see my shirt, but it's Seuss-tastic

 Dutch playing with Dane's new toys 
and wearing the Dr. Seuss hat.
Dane is following him, just trying to play with his own toy!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

A List for Tuesday

5 Things I Wish I Had More Of:
(in no particular order)

  1. Money
  2. Time
  3. Sleep
  4. Notebooks
  5. Accessories

Monday, April 30, 2012

Baby Dane's 1 Year Well-Baby Visit

*Birthday pictures will resume on Wednesday*

Picture by Jodi

Today I took Dane to his 1 year appointment with our pediatrician. I've been thinking of getting a new one lately. While I like Dr. Lash okay I really don't like his nurses or MAs or whatever they are, and since they're the ones handing out the shots I am really considering moving on to someone new. Suggestions are welcome.

Here are Dane's stats:
Weight: 19 lbs 4 oz (putting him in the 6th percentile)
Length: 28 1/2 in (putting him in the 10th percentile)
Head Circumference: 44.8 cm (putting him in the 10th percentile)

So he's small, but healthy. He's gaining weight consistently and he's okayed to go from formula to milk. (Side-note: Chris has two favorite milestones; when the baby can hold his own bottle and when the baby goes from formula to milk.) His iron levels are good and the only concern the doctor had was about Dane's eczema. This bubs has super sensitive skin! Poor guy had to get his blood drawn and 4 shots today. The nurse nicked him really good and he bled pretty badly (one of the reasons I don't like her). Luckily I had given him some Tylenol just before he got the shots so on the car ride home he fell asleep.

When he woke up he was SO happy! It's like he didn't even remember what had happened. I cannot believe how lucky I am to have such a happy guy.

He's SO close to walking and he loves to talk and babble all the time. He still won't clap, but loves to wave bye-bye (especially to his Jenel) and I guess now I'm supposed to teach him how to point. Who comes up with these milestones?

Just for fun here are Dutch's stats from his 1 year baby appt:
Weight: 27 lbs 12 oz (95th percentile)
Length: 31 1/2 in (95th percentile)
Head Circumference: 47 cm (75th percentile)

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Dane's First Birthday

Yesterday our Sweet Baby Dane turned one! I can't believe that my baby is growing up. To celebrate his birthday we threw a Dr. Seuss bash. Here are some of the pictures from the party. I'll post more tomorrow since I don't want to overwhelm you with all this Seussical goodness!

 We had Pink Yink Drink for our beverage
(Strawberry kiwi Juicy Juice with Sprite)

 Truffulla trees
(Broccoli salad)

 Horton held the forks and napkins

 And all along the windowsill were bouquets of
Horton's clovers (with the Who puff on top)

 Yot in a Pot
(my mom's baked beans)

 Hot Dogs on a Spool
(mini pigs in a blanket)

 Green Eggs and Ham
(yogurt covered pretzels with a green M&M)

 One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish
(Swedish fish)

The birthday boy!
I bought the boys Thing 1 and Thing 2 shirts from Etsy.
It took me a long time to decide whether Dane should be
Thing 1 (because he was turning one) or Thing 2. I finally
decided on Thing 2 since he's my second born! 

 Bah bought Dutchie a T-ball set which got out some of
his wild energy (do you like his shorts? They were way too
big, but looked so cute with the shirt)

Stay tuned for more party awesomeness tomorrow!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

A List for Tuesday

Pam's New Morning Schedule Beginning Tomorrow Wednesday April 25th

5:00am: Wake up
5:30am: Get out of bed after hitting the snooze button a bunch of times and trying to talk myself out of going through with this crazy new schedule.
5:45am: Take Harper for a walk.
6:15am: Feed Harper and myself.
6:30am: Write until the boys wake up

Wish me luck!

Saturday, April 21, 2012


Dutch says and does so many cute things on a daily basis. Here are a few:

  • When playing with our spray-on sunscreen (which he should not have been doing) Dutch sprayed himself in the eyes. After they were flushed with water he decided they were still not "all better" so he went and put Band-Aids on both of his eyes.
  • I was leaning over the other day when Dutch pointed at my cleavage and asked, "Itsa butt?"
  • When he's frustrated with something he says, "Come ON!"
  • When I was weeding in the garden I showed him a ladybug and he was so excited. He was constantly asking me about the "baby bug."
  • I put the ladybug on a leaf and Dutch was sad because she was going to sleep, so he went inside and got my chicken egg timer and held it right next to the ladybug while it was going off and yelled, "Wake up, baby bug!"
  • We've been reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar a lot lately and when the ladybug disappeared Dutch said, "She's going home to sleep and turn into a butterfly."
  • I bought some paper lanterns to decorate for Dane's party and I had an orange one hanging up and he pointed to it and asked, "Itsa punkin?"

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

A List for Tuesday

10 Reasons I Love the Rain
(in no particular order)

1. There is nothing better than waking up to the sound of rain on the roof or hitting against my window.
2. It waters my flowers for me and, because I'm lazy, I like having one less thing to do.
3. It's perfect puddle-jumping weather.
4. One of the only times I can wear my rain boots without people giving me weird looks (lucky for Dutch he wears his rain boots all the time without caring what others think).
5. The world always smells delicious after a good rainfall.
6. It makes me want to curl up with a book and a cup of hot chocolate next to an open window.
7. I'm always inspired to write after listening to the rain for any length of time.
8. There is nothing more wonderful than a Texas thunderstorm.
9. Warm rain is the most fun natural phenomenon in the world!
10. Umbrellas are a cute accessory but I look crazy if I carry one every day - this isn't London, after all!

What do you like about the rain?

Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter: Davis Style

Our Easter Sunday was fabulous. We started with new outfits and Easter baskets for both of the boys. They both got candy, new shoes, a new movie (Curious George episodes), and more candy. We went to Greg and Kellie's home ward for church where my mom-in-law Kellie and my sister-in-law's mom Kathy both spoke. They did a great job. I was then lucky enough to go to the Sunday School class that my friend Jenel taught.

After church we went to Greg and Kellie's for brunch, egg hunt, and playing. Here are pictures:
 Zaque and Josh putting together a styrofoam plane

 Dutch and Chris checking out their booty

Dane eating an unpeeled orange by his Aunt Amy


  Dutch and Chris
(with Amy in the background)

 Xander and Dane
I love Xander's face in this one.

 Because of Dawn's leg in the background you can see the extreme awesomeness of Dane's hair. It pretty much always sticks out in the back like that.

Happy Dane-Dane