Tuesday, November 20, 2012

A List for Tuesday

5 Random Things Because I'm in a Random Mood

  1. I have a fear of getting prematurely old. I saw a picture of a girl my age (who I went to high school with) and she looked like she was about 40. What if that happens to me?
  2. I love my job. Really super-duper love it. And my boss is awesome.
  3. I am in full Christmas planning mode and it's fun to make the choices of what to buy the boys. This year we're giving them 4 gifts: something they want, something they need, something to wear, and something to read.
  4. I wish I had money for a whole new wardrobe. I'm tired of all my clothes and want to start over from the ground up. Not gonna happen.
  5. My boys have been so busy lately, they make me tired just watching them!
Tell me one random thing going on in your head.


Heidi Noel said...

Those 4 things were going through my head over and over last night.

I worry about Christmas.

Because of that I don't want birthday gifts, but then I get sad when no one appears to remember me.

I miss my sisters a lot.

I am nervous about doing Thanksgiving for people that are not immediate family.

Did I mention that I miss you?

Matt said...

Going on in my head:

Is it possible for one's brains to leak out ones ears?

Just Julie said...

Can I find an outlet outside so I can hang Christmas lights on my porch?