Thursday, October 11, 2012

Sometimes Bad Things Happen to Good People

I went to see my psychiatrist yesterday. Yes, I see a psychiatrist. He keeps me sane, literally. I see him every couple of months to make sure my meds are working, that I'm not suicidal again, and to talk over things that could be harming my mental health. I always leave feeling drained, but happy.

I haven't talked with him for three months and when I went to see him I realized a LOT has happened in the last three months. A lot of bad mixed with good.

I've been trying really hard to focus on the good things these last couple of weeks. If I focused on the bad I would probably spend my days crying, curled up on the bathroom floor. So here is a list of good things that I wanted to tell you about:

  1. We got a new dog named Captain Buddy and he is perfect for our little family. We are back to being a one family dog and I really do prefer it. Two dogs is just too crazy.
  2. I got a job! My first "real" job since before Dutch was born. I'll be working at a place called Paper Source where I'll be able to teach classes and demonstrate crafting items. As a bonus, I'll be working nights and weekends, so I'll still be able to be a stay-at-home mom during the day! It was a big decision to go back to work, but I know it's the right thing to do.
  3. My sister Heather and I started a new blog to showcase the altered books we've made before we sell them: The Girls With the Red Shoes. Check it out and tell me what you think!
  4. I have the best friends in the world! They are so supportive and loving. I don't  know what I've done to deserve the amazing people in my life.
  5. A special shout-out to my friend and writing critique partner Jenel! Without her I would never get any writing done.
  6. I am going to be doing my second flea market on Saturday. This time I'll be doing it alone since Heather can't make it, but I think it will be fun. Hopefully there will be a good turn out and a lot of people will want to buy my altered books, etc.!
Things are hard and sometimes bad things happen to good people. Sometimes promises get broken and things that you thought were indestructible start to fall apart. That's the time to get on your knees and pray. That's the time to pull out a journal and write down what you're grateful for. That's the time to count your blessings, because the good will always outweigh the bad if you put more focus on the good.


Just Julie said...

Love you Pammy! Excited for your new job and blog. Looking forward to seeing you for Book Club. :)

Laura said...

I had no idea you have been going through this. I too have struggled with depression and anxiety for years. It stinks and it's no fun. I hope that everything will work out well for you :)