Friday, August 1, 2008

Doctor Visit

We went to the Pediatrician today (who I always accidentally call the vet) for Dutchie's one month appointment. He is now 7 lbs 8 oz and almost 22 inches long! Dr. Shaver said that he's "gaining weight like a champ" and said that everything looks really good (although he was not nearly impressed enough that Dutch had rolled over).

As for the feeding thing - he doesn't have reflux, but he is probably going through a growth spurt. I'm allowed to give him an ounce or two of formula to help top him off every day. Last night and today he's been really good and is content with just being held instead of nursing all the time. I'm beginning to wonder if that's all it was all along, that he wants to be close to someone.

I will take some pictures of him today (and maybe a video) and post them tomorrow. Chris had his last final of the summer today and is now off from school for the next 3 weeks! Hooray! It will be nice to have someone else around during the day to help with things. We don't have any plans yet, but I'm sure we'll do some fun stuff.

Thanks for all the support, advice and help everyone - it's really nice to have!

1 comment:

Anna said...

That's amazing that your little guy did so well with his growth and I think it's pretty cool that he's rolled over a few times for you...very cool.

Enjoy the time off your husband has now. Marcus is at home with me (mostly) for the next few weeks still and it's so great to have another adult around all day.

Your sons adorable by the way!