Saturday, August 9, 2008

Golden Slumbers

Chris worked a miracle last night. I was so tired of my baby that I just couldn't do it anymore so I left Chris to try to get him to bed on his own. Boy did he ever. Dutch slept from 11 to 3! Then slept from 4 to 6! It's the most sleep we've gotten in a long time and it was wonderful!

Anyway, that was the marvelous news of the day!


Grandma Bailey said...

Congratulations on Chris having a magic touch! Or is he sedating Dutch? Just teasing. I know he would never do such a thing. We love you both.

Cari said...

Aren't daddys amazing? We finally got into the habit of Carl always being the one to put them to sleep because he could do it and I couldn't. Gotta love 'em!

Heidi Noel said...

Andy isn't around much, but when he was, he was the first choice for putting kids to bed. Hmm...I wonder why that is.

Anna said...

Marcus is "bed time dad" at our house.

Hooray for you guys for finally being able to get some good sleep. There's nothing in the world like it...ahh...