Thursday, August 7, 2008

So Blue

Bad Baby is back. Chris and I took turns sitting up with him. He hasn't slept for more than an hour or so together for the last day and night and day. Hopefully tonight we can get him back on his schedule. It makes it a lot easier to have someone to share the burden with. We didn't get much sleep, but we did get some.

We went to IKEA and Target today to get a few things. We bought a nice new side-table for next to the black chair and a little 3-drawer table for next to the futon. It will make it a lot easier for me to have things nearby when I'm feeding Dutchie. While we were at Target I came to notice something that annoys me more than I can say. First of all girls clothes are a lot cuter than boys clothes. This we know. But did you know that you can't find more than one or two outfits that aren't blue for a little boy? It's true. I am frankly annoyed by this. Why can't a little boy where green or red or brown or yellow or orange? Hmmm?

This has led me to want to someday start a store for little boys clothes that are super cute and none of which are blue. I will call it No Blue Boys. It will be a huge success, I'm sure.


Heather said...

Believe it or not it is the same with newborn girl clothes they are all pink or some shade of pink! I would get so excited when I found something not pastel. I hope Dutchie sleeps better tonight! We really miss you. Bella loved the video.

Cari said...

I'll shop there! Don't stress too much, he has to sleep eventually, it's inevitable! I love you bunches.

Heidi Noel said...

I have been there. I loved the clothes that were red or other colors, so I will send you some non blue things. My baby won't sleep lately either. He took an hour nap today and that was it. I miss Anneke. She was a good sleeper baby.

Grandma Bailey said...

Dad and I were wondering since everything here is blue for baby boys if everything in Germany is Pink! I bet Hannah Annderson has some other colors. Look on line and see what you need and I will order it.
Love you!