Tuesday, August 19, 2008

A List for Tuesday

Five Ways That Dutch is Like His Dad

1. He's going to be a red-head (his hair is turning auburn)
2. He has really long eyelashes (the kind that are wasted on a boy)
3. He has no butt (it is defying physics that his diapers stay on)
4. He can't sit still (for someone who can't walk, he sure moves a lot)
5. He's a Mama's boy (that's one thing that Chris is very proud of - he's a total Mama's boy)


Grandma Bailey said...

I love your Tuesday lists. Of course he is a Mama's boy. You were all 'daddy's girls' when you were little. I was so jealous. That was the only reason I wanted a son. Little girls do eventually need their Mom's but sons from day one are always Mama's boys to some degree. Oh well, I will settle on having 'Grandma's boys' and so far they all are!

Heidi Noel said...

Be glad you son is like his dad and not one of his uncles. ;) So, when I get to meet my nephew he will be a red head. Darn, I never really met Carlye with her dark hair either.

Cari said...

I finally get a red headed niece/nephew! Thank you! I'm so excited. I prayed for all of my babies to have red hair, or atleast a pretty strawberry blonde, but I got nothing. I can't wait to see him again. Love you!