Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Perfect Baby

I haven't really written a lot about life with Dutch lately, so here goes. I know that this might jinx everything, but I just have to share. He is perfect. No, I'm really not kidding. I think that he is the most perfect baby that ever lived. Yes of course he has his Bad Baby moments, but I am convinced that they are fewer and farther between than any other baby's have ever been.

First of all he sleeps perfectly. He goes to sleep between 9 and 10pm, wakes up between 2 and 3am to eat and immediately falls back to sleep until 6 or 7am. Then he eats again and sleeps until 9 or 10am and he's awake for the day. It helps that we have his bedtime routine down to a science, but I really don't feel like I can take any credit for his perfect sleep schedule.

Secondly he is happy as can be. Chris and I will be watching a movie together on the couch and we'll put Dutch in his Boppy between us and he will be happy as a clam for the entire movie. He just sits there in his makeshift chair looking around and smiling.

Lastly he doesn't mind Bo at all. Bo loves to lick his little brother all the time anywhere that his tongue can reach. This could be Dutch's face, foot, hand, back - you get the idea. At worst Dutch squirms and makes a face, at best he thinks it's a game and "plays" with Bo by kicking or hitting him in the face to encourage the licking. In addition to Bo's slobbery affection our pup has also taken to barking at every little noise, even if it is one of us making it. He doesn't do this all the time, just when Chris (the Alpha dog) is not here. When Chris is gone Bo takes his guard-dog duties very seriously and will bark ferociously when I sneeze or Dutch sighs happily in his sleep. Because heaven knows we would not want to miss the fact that a noise was made. Through all this Dutch continues doing what he is doing, whether it is sleeping or smiling, he doesn't mind the barking.

So while I might complain about Bad Baby days, I am convinced that not only did I get a Good Baby, but a Perfect Baby!


Heidi Noel said...

OOOOOH! You have such good boys. What are you up to? Have you done your seminar for the fall semester yet? Is Dutch taking a bottle so your can?

Cari said...

You are so blessed! Bo is such a good big brother!

Anna said...

Maybe Dutch and my sweet baby James were good buddies before they were born and made a "perfect baby" pact or something. James could not be better either, and I know this is not typical baby behavior because I have another child who, although was a good boy, was a harder baby to take care of.

Hooray for well behaved little boys!