Thursday, August 28, 2008

A General Update

So I love to talk about Dutchie, but I know that some of you are wondering what's going on with Chris and me, so here goes:

Chris went back to school on Monday for his 3rd semester of Physician's Assistant school. It's been really busy for him this week and he is looking forward to getting a schedule set up once everyone has come and gone from their visits. He's been trying to eat better and exercise a lot more too. Now that the weather is getting cold he's glad that my mom and dad gave us their elliptical so he won't have to run in the cold or the wet.

I am still adjusting to life as a mom. It's been hard for me to buy clothes because I keep trying to buy business clothes that I've always worn when I need to be getting comfy clothes that can get spit-up on. My writing is going...okay. I spend as much time on it as I can, but sometimes that's only a few minutes every day--I make sure to work on it every day though! It's just a far cry from the hours I used to be able to spend whenever I wanted. My semester at school is going well and I'm really loving my new mentor. I miss Chris when he's at school, but mostly because it's just another pair of hands around the house!

In more immediate news we are having a great time with my mom and dad here. Bo is loving all the attention (my dad is his favorite person right now because he throws the ball for him) and Dutch likes it because he is constantly being held--his favorite thing! We are really enjoying having them here and are excited that Chris's parents are coming in tomorrow. It will be a fun, full house!


Heidi Noel said...

Call me jealous! I wish I could be there. But, that would not help with anything.

-I am sorry for the abrupt end to our phone conversation last night. I was talking to my (very) inactive Beehive and got distracted. I love you, though, and am grateful for your understanding.-

Cari said...

Miss you, miss you, miss you!!!!!!!

KL Grady said...

Yay! I'm glad the writing is still coming along, and I'm glad you like the mentor. I think she's great, too!