Monday, March 9, 2009

Daylight Savings Blows

This year when we "springed" forward my body was not up for the springing. I was EXHAUSTED Sunday morning and, of course, the kids I teach were just about as hyper as they could be. I took a nap when I got home, but slept way too long so I couldn't sleep that night. By the time I was tired I decided it was just easier to stay up all night. That might sound crazy, but I am better on no sleep than a little bit of sleep.

Dutch seems to be having a little trouble springing too. He's on such a consistent schedule that it's hard to explain to him that he needs to be tired sooner. At church he was a huge butt too.

All in all Daylight Savings blows. Stupid Benjamin Franklin and your crappy ideas.


Melodie Anne said...


Heidi Noel said...

I totally agree! The kids are not sure how to handle themselves today. Yesterday was weird, but not as bad as today. It can only get better, right? We actually wondered if abolishing it like they did in Arizona would pass. Why isn't it on a ballot?

Grandma Bailey said...

Mothers and grandmothers unite and maybe they would listen! You will notice it is men that voted it in! By the way heart attacks go up during daylight savings time. There is always the medical factor too. I don't even have children anymore but I have NEVER liked it. It takes my 6 months to get used to it. Pretty soon we won't change at all so what will be the point?

Cari said...

Yeah, we don't need to save candle's anymore. My kids are protesting loudly, and I'm scared that violence is soon to follow. As for me, I refuse to change my clocks as a matter of principle. I will now be an hour late for everything. You have all been warned.

JJthe1st said...

I say we atrat a national anti-time change campain. We woke up for school late twice this week because my alarm clock does not believe in the time change. I am with my alarm clock.