Saturday, December 13, 2008

Trip to Utah: Day One

We got off to a later start than we had anticipated, but luckily we gained an hour by the time we stopped tonight in Davenport, Iowa.

Bo, as always, thought he was going to get left behind so he made sure to stay underfoot to remind us not to leave him. It makes me so sad that he has all of those abandonment issues--how could you leave a dog like Bo behind? No matter how many times we told him we wouldn't leave him he could not be convinced. Until, that is, he smelled his ball in Chris's bag and smelled his food box being packed. Then he knew he was coming and could not be convinced to stay inside until we were ready to go. He sat in the car for about half an hour and I couldn't coax him back inside, no matter how cold it was!

I'm getting a cold, which is not fun, but I made sure to bring a box of tissues so I'm good to go!

Dutchie did surprisingly well. He didn't sleep too much, so hopefully he will be able to sleep well tonight. He got some good naps, but none were too long. Here's a video of Dutch's first night in a hotel room!

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