Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Funny Mr. Bo-Bo

Okay so last night I did something that I am paying for today--I lost track of the time writing. At 2am I looked at the clock and yipped. Then I hurried to finish the scene I was working on and was under the covers by 2:30. Dutchie woke up at 6:30, but was asleep again by about 7. Then he woke up for good at about 9 and I put him in his boppy next to me on the bed and tried to convince him to go back to sleep. Here's the funny part:

Bo doesn't like things covering him up usually. He gets really annoyed when Chris throws the blankets over him, gets up, turns around 3 times and lays back down. I don't know what was going on with him this morning but he stuck his paws and his head under the blankets to get to sleep. Just his paws and head. I noticed it when he started snoring. I went to grab the camera but, of course, Bo heard me and thought, "Someone's walking around? Quick! I must follow them!" So I didn't get a picture of it. Reading this back it's probably one of those you-had-to-be-there type of things, but I don't care. I'm posting it anyway.

1 comment:

Grandma Bailey said...

Having just come from your house, I know Bo does not like to be covered. The blanket on the end of our bed would slide off on him (mostly because he was rolling up in it) and he had to keep repositioning to get out from under it. I can' imagine him being under something. But then the last night he slept in our room he kept sticking his head under my blanket with his ball. He wanted me to wake up and play though - not sleep. I miss him and our Dutch. Life is really boring without those two.