Monday, December 8, 2008

My Five Year Goal

They always say that you should have goals. A short-term goal (like a week or a month or whatever), a medium-term goal (like a year), and a long-term goal (like five or ten years). So I came up with one for me:

I am going to grow my hair out until Dutch's 5th birthday and then donate my hair to Locks of Love. Why? Because I haven't grown my hair out in a really long time and I think it would be fun to see if I can make it work. Wish me luck!


Heidi Noel said...

I wonder how long you will last this time. Weren't you going to grow it out when Josh left on his mission? Now if I say good luck it will sound sarcastic, but I do wish it.

Cari said...

That's a LONG time - I'm growing my hair out for locks of love as well, but my goal is to cut it when it hits my hiney - not a date. You can do it - it'll be fun to see you with long hair again!