Tuesday, December 2, 2008

A List for Tuesday

Five Things You Might Not Know About Dutch

1. Winking makes him laugh (especially if you wink one eye at a time really fast)
2. He sleeps with his arm splayed out to the sides
3. He has now mastered the back to belly roll, even though YESTERDAY was the first time he had done it!
4. He doesn't understand why I try to feed him rice cereal when formula is so much faster
5. He "talks" ALL THE TIME! I had to take him out of Sunday School because he was being so loud, almost had to take him out of the movie at the museum, and 9 times out of 10 I wake up to him babbling to himself instead of crying. Very vocal baby!

Don't miss the video of him below (and thanks to Morgan who inadvertently led me to the perfect place to put my videos)

1 comment:

Morgan said...

yay! I'm glad you are using the video uploader thingy. :) It's so easy. I think I want Sophie to marry Dutch when she grows up. He's the only baby that I've found that is cute enough for her. :)