Monday, July 7, 2008

Baby Boy Meets Big Brother

For those of you who don't know Chris and I have a 6-year-old blind chocolate lab named Bo that we rescued a year and a half ago. He is the inspiration behind the name of this blog and he's been our "baby" since we got him. A big concern was how Bo was going to react to the sudden appearance of Dutch. They met for the first time today and...

Bo could not care less. He sniffed Dutch, sneezed, and went to find his toy. The only thing that seems to faze him is when Dutch cries out. Bo did not care for that, but handled it in his usual mellow way.

So if you were looking for more drama you won't find it here. Bo is completely indifferent to Dutch. The only question now is: how long will that indifference last?


Heather said...

I want pictures of the "babies" together. I am sure Bo will not worry about Dutch until he is crawling.

Grandma Bailey said...

I assumed that would be how Bo would react. He is pretty easy going. Does he still sniff you?