Monday, October 25, 2010

First Doctor's Appointment

Today the baby and I had our first doctor's appointment.  My doctor is Dr. Walker and she's super-nice.  We had a good talk and she gave me some new prenatal vitamins (since I keep vomiting every time I take the ones I have), she gave me some meds to stop the vomiting (since I do it about every 2 hours still) and she upped the dosage of my anti-depressant (since I've been having some trouble with my depression lately).

The baby's due date is May 7th or May 8th, the nurse said 7th and the ultrasound said 8th, so.  Either way it doesn't matter since the baby will come in April anyway.

I got to see the baby!  The ultrasound machine even showed me a 3D image!  It was awesome, s/he had her/his little hand covering her/his face up.  I could see elbows and legs and s/he was all curled up and it was adorable!

So that was our first doctor's appointment and everything went GREAT!


Just Julie said...

Great news, Pammy! I hope s/he comes on the perfect date!

Alycia Grayce (Crowley Party) said...

So exciting :)