Thursday, March 10, 2011

The What-Ifs

I have reached that point in my pregnancy where I am plagued with The What-Ifs. There's a constant stream of worry flowing through my brain. Here is an example of some of the things I was wondering just today:

  • What if Chris dies before the baby is born?
  • What if Chris dies after the baby is born?
  • What if Chris gets a really horrible disease and can't work anymore?
  • What if Dutch gets severely injured and is a vegetable for the rest of his life?
  • What if Dutch gets kidnapped?
  • What if Dutch hates the baby?
  • What if the baby is missing a limb?
  • What if the baby has some physical or mental limitation?
  • What if the baby hates me?
  • What if Bo dies?
  • What if Bo attacks the baby?
  • What if Bo gets really sick and I have to put him down?
I will spare you the rest. But as you can see they all follow the same vein of worrying to death about my family. It's not just my little family either, I worry about my big family too.

When a baby comes you know it's going to change things, but you can't always predict other things that will change everything. These are the things I worry about - the things you can't predict.

This happened when I was pregnant with Dutch, although they followed more of a "What if I'm a terrible mother?" type of vein. Now I know that EVERY mom is just doing her best, so I don't worry so much about being a terrible mother. Some days I will be and some days I won't be and I just have to hope that the good outweigh the bad or that Dutch selectively remembers only the good.

Anyway, those are some of my What-Ifs. Do you have any?


Grandma Bailey said...

When I was pregnant, I did the same thing and had nightmares to go along with my worries. I would dream that you were all in a fire and I couldn't get to you and other horrible things. I finally realized it was the hormones but it still made me crazy with worry. I am sorry you are going through this. You are a good mother and as for the rest, well we pray for your safety and health every day. I love you

Melodie Anne said...

Only like a zillion. Every time anyone doesn't answer their phone I am convinced that they have been kidnapped and are bound and gagged inside a dank warehouse while their captors discuss their nefarious plot for _______ (world domination, drug smuggling, etc). This is a scenario I'm always confused about because I don't think I know anyone valuable enough to kidnap, but it is my horrifying what-if nonetheless.

Also I always worry that I'm way more socially awkward than I realize and people are only my pity friends.

And then there's the one where I have a horrible mysterious disease....

Shelley said...

I can't help with all if those but now that you have lids you really need to get life insurance for Chris. Just a simple term policy until you would anticipate he would retire at which point you should be "self insured" by your retirement savings. The value should include what it would cost for the kids to go to school, how much you would need to allow you to continue as a stay at home mom etc. At least with that inn place you know no matter what your kids will be secure. Term life is really inexpensive and lasts for a set time term. This is just the financial planner in me, the friend me knows Chris is going to live to 107.