Monday, March 7, 2011

Pregnancy Complaint - This Big Belly

Yesterday and today I am not feeling great. I am tired and nauseated and not in the mood to be touched at all by anyone. I'm not sleeping and my back is hurting at that spot between my shoulder blades that insures I can do nothing about it, but complain.

The most obnoxious and in-the-way part of this pregnancy, however, is this belly. Now my belly is not SUPER big, like some women, but it's in the way nonetheless. I can no longer bend over daintily. I can't put on socks or shoes or even pants without smashing my belly, which makes me MORE sick. My hips hurt from having to lay on my sides all the time, and a lot of my maternity shirts are getting too short.

Anyway, that's my complaining. It always feels better to get it all out!

1 comment:

Julianna said...

I totally hear you. I thought about you when I went to the doctor on Friday and I listed off my complaints and guess what... they are all normal. :)