Thursday, August 6, 2009

Dutch's Crib and Mama Attempts to Be Crafty

These are pictures of Dutch's new crib. Chris and I were worried about him chewing on the top bars, so we were going to get a crib bite guard, but they only protected the top part of the bar. Anyway, long story short, I saw something similar to this fleece crib rail protector and thought that I might be able to do it on my own. Dutch really likes it. He thinks it's some sort of game. I guess I'll see how long they last.


Anna said...

Good idea Pam! My crib is chewed to death...

Now that you've accomplished being so crafty you should go give cooking eggs a try! Tee hee.

Cari said...

I am so proud of you - it's fantastic. I wish I would have thought of something like this. Of course, my kids slept in play pens and not a crib, so maybe that's why.....