Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Twilight Zone

Last night I stepped through a portal where up was down and down was up. Where good babies were bad and sleep did not exist.

Dutch has been sleeping through the night for months now. Last night he woke up and would not go back to sleep. If I left the room he would scream like he was being tortured. I held him in my arms for two hours before he finally fell asleep. Then he woke up with a start, like he'd had a bad dream, and started to cry again. Finally he went back to sleep and stayed asleep until morning.

It was the strangest thing.


Heidi Noel said...

Did the bath help at all? I am so sorry. If you need to go outside for a while to get away from the screaming, that is okay. As long as you stay sane and you know Dutch is safe like in his crib. I love you.

Cari said...

You'll be here soon. Then Aunt Cari can help. I love you!

Grandma Bailey said...

I he felt as crummy as I did last night - I fully understand!