Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Mommy Guilt

I have found that the one thing that all mom's have in common, no matter where they live, how many kids they have, or what their background is GUILT. All moms feel guilty about something, usually multiple things. My mommy guilt can all be summed up in one big confession:

I hate being a stay at home mom.

It was never something that I looked forward to, or really wanted, which I realize makes me very weird to some of you. The problem is that as much as I hate being a stay at home mom I am terrified of sending my kid to day-care, especially before he can talk. I think that my biggest complaint about being a stay at home mom, other than the crippling loneliness, is my complete and total lack of a schedule. Maybe if I had some structure I would like being home alone with Dutch more.

So, for all you moms, in honor of Mother's Day, what do you feel guilty about?


Heidi Noel said...

Letting so much time go by on silly things that don't matter now. My oldest son is getting so big and I wish I could take back the times I have messed up and missed out on.

Just Julie said...

I feel a little bit of guilt that I don't have any real desire to be a mom.

I was just reading something today about a book published about Mommy Confessions, and how all mom's feel either inadequate or guilty about something, and instead of suffering in silence feeling like you're the only one you should realize that a lot of moms feel the same way.

Morgan said...

I feel guilty about too many things to list... and besides, if I did list them, someone would probably call CPS on me. :)

Just kidding. Or am I?? ;) No really. I'm kidding. Kinda.

Ash, O, Ava Jo and Demi Lu said...

I'm with you. I am not a stay at home mom, and I feel a bit guilty that I am ok with that. I mean, i do hate sending Ava to daycare but I like to have some "normality" in my life, even if it it sitting at a desk! Of course there are other things I feel more than terrible about but we'll leave those for another time!