Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A List for Tuesday

Five Things I Might Not Have Mentioned

1. Dutch pulled himself to standing on Sunday.
2. I am going to Texas in less than a week!
3. I am in the Primary Presidency at my church.
4. In the last month I've lost 7 pounds.
5. I still have about 30 pounds to lose before I am back to my pre-pregnancy weight. Which didn't seem so depressing or impossible until I just typed it.


Heidi Noel said...

How did you lose 7 pounds? I am working on losing the 20+ I have put on since Marcus. I am not sure where I am now, it is too depressing to know.

pambelina said...

I stopped eating after 7pm. I found that I was snacking mindlessly after I put Dutch to bed and stopping that (plus exercise) helped me lose some weight.