Saturday, April 18, 2009

Bo the First Dog

This is NOT Bo the Wonder Dog, this is just Bo the First Dog.

You might have heard by now, if your news is as asinine as mine, that the Obama's have a new dog. A something water-dog that they named Bo. I wanted to clear up any confusion that there might be:

Their dog is NOT Bo the Wonder Dog, nor is their dog as cool or as blind as our Bo.

The REAL Bo the Wonder Dog


Marianne said...

Not only is the Obama dog not Bo the wonder dog, it is not really even a "rescued" dog-even though they would have you believe that they were very compassionate and opened their hearts to give this "poor, abandoned" dog a good home. (There is nothing wrong with getting a purebred dog-just don't pretend you are doing something noble.)

Bo the wonder dog was really, actually rescued by loving, and compassionate people who will always love him and he will always be very happy.

K.E.N said...

It's a portuguese water dog-just wanted you to get your story straight.

Just Julie said...

Glad you set the record straight. Can we somehow get this national media coverage?