Saturday, January 14, 2012

Christmas 2011 Final Installment

This is the last post I'm going to do about Christmas because it's the middle of January and it's time to move on.

 Zaque is a little creeped out by Dane's staring.
He ALWAYS stares at Zaque!

 Dane playing in the chaos of Christmas morning.

 Bah and Dutch with Dutch's favorite gift:
a Schwinn trike!

 In Texas my nephews Noah and Nathanael always included Dutch.
They gave him a controller while they played the Wii
(even though it didn't work, he still loved it)!

Dane enjoying delicious mini blueberry muffins
for my niece Carlye's birthday.

1 comment:

Cari said...

I love that picture of the boys backs! They sure miss him!