Thursday, January 20, 2011

Katherine Wins

Baby Jack's nursery is going to be decorated in Jack and the Beanstalk!  I had been wanting a fairy tale theme that wasn't girly, but couldn't think of anything besides dragons.  Thanks to Katherine for the amazing idea that I never would have thought of on my own.

So now comes the part where everyone helps me find ideas.  Love you!


Grandma Bailey said...

Well the easiest part is to get the vine decals they have and you can do the walls with those. I am sure there is a cute 'Jack' out there somewhere or maybe you have an artistic friend that come up with him for you. Maybe on one vine a big boot coming down!

Katherine said...

Are you renting your place? Because if you can paint, a mural would look so awesome! Mitchell is taking Illustration this semester, so he'll be learning that awesome painting stuff. I'm going to come up with tons of other awesome ideas for you, too. I'm super excited! I just love decorating and themes so much!

Heidi Noel said...

We did a whole theme on JAck and the Beanstalk for a month when i worked at the child care center in Boulder. I will try and find my notes and get back to you.