Tuesday, June 24, 2008

A List for Tuesday

Five Reasons My Sister Heather is a Loser

1. She moved to Japan two months before I am due, ensuring that she will not meet my offspring until he is walking, talking, and out of diapers.
2. She thinks that The Goose Girl sucks, when it is clearly one of the best novels of our modern time.
3. Two of her favorite TV shows are Dawson's Creek and 7th Heaven.
4. She looks good with her hair every length, color, or style - which is very unfair.
5. She plays World of Warcraft. And thinks it's cool.


Heather said...

I just wanted to inform you that there was a typo on you page. The list should have been titled "Reasons Why My Sister Heather Is So Awesome And I Want To Be Just Like Her"!

I miss you and I am sorry I won't get to see Dutch but at least by the time I see him he won't look like a wrinkled old man anymore. Plus if I were there you would just end up laughing and not taking the birth seriously.
I was thinking about coming home next summer but then I thought instead of buying three plane tickets to come home I could by three plane tickets (for 3 beautiful sisters I know) to fly here.

Oh and the Goose Girl totally stunk. I tried to read it but I couldn't get through it. Besides the fact that it was way to descriptive it was a little whiney.

Heidi Noel said...

Hmm...I may have to agree with some of your assessment of Heather. She moved 2 weeks before I moved to Las Vegas! How unfair is that? All of her friends are going to expect a version of her when I go to playgroup. Why am I not as cute as my sisters? I could go on, but clearly it has been covered. Dawson's Creek and 7th Heaven, really????

Heather said...

Do not knock such quality programing both 7th Heaven and Dawson's Creek are awesome.
And FYI moving our moving is Brandon's fault!

Andy said...

While I have learned from experience that it is best for me to stay out of the "discussions" the Bailey girls get into, I did feel the need to rebut one point on your list. My opinion of the rest of your argument shall remain a mystery.
It is my firm belief that you knock World of Warcraft only because you have not been exposed to the joys of the world. From lampooning Paris Hilton to silly holidays to really kickin' graphics, WoW is a fun and addicting online universe. It's actually got a population of players larger than several countries. For someone who used to play-and enjoy-D&D, you are very judgmental of the beautiful online counterpart to our books and dice.
Consider yourself rebutted . . . and have a nice day.

Cari said...

My turn - I think that you forgot to add that she's had two children and is still as skinny as an anorexic supermodel on a diet. By the way - the Goose Girl rocks. AND reason number one for Heidi and Pam - YOU DIDN'T MOVE TO TEXAS!! And yet I still love you all.

Anna said...

Hi Pam! I saw a link to your blog on Heidi's...hope you don't mind me checking it out. Cute dog and even cuter preggo-belly! Heidi told me you are due July 23. I'm expecting a little boy on the 25. Anyway, good luck with everything!

Anna (used to be Osmond) now Poole