Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Book Review

Book: The Outlaws of Sherwood by Robin McKinley

This is a Robin Hood re-telling with all the characters you would expect - Marian, Friar Tuck, Little John, Will Scarlet and the Sheriff of Nottingham. I have always loved the Robin Hood tales and looked forward to reading this book. Although very slow-going at the beginning, as most of McKinley's books seem to be, I was eventually swept up into the story and my imagination took flight.

I don't recommend this book whole-heartedly though. I thought the ending was contrived, out of left field and wholly disappointing. I also disliked the jarring change of point of view where we learned more about minor characters than we were ever able to learn about Robin Hood or Marian. Anyway, if you're a fan it's a book to read; if you're not perhaps you should look elsewhere for your first Robin Hood adventure.

Happy reading!


Heidi Noel said...

I don't really like Robin McKinley. It is hard for me to get into her writing. I will probably skip this one.

Cari said...

When you're feeling crazy try the Circle Trilogy by Ted Dekker - I'm interested to know what you would think of it.