Tuesday, October 18, 2011

A List for Tuesday

10 Things I Love About Chris
(in no particular order)

1. When he laughs really hard his nose scrunches up.
2. He made me French toast for dinner last night.
3. If I need time away from the boys he is the first one to suggest it.
4. He's the best dad ever!
5. Even after a full day of work and an hour on the train he comes home in a good mood.
6. He snores.
7. When he wears his glasses he looks so intellectual.
8. He has endless patience for my particular brand of crazy.
9. He enjoys reading the classics that most people plan on reading but never have.
10. When something bad happens he always remains calm. (Which is good, because I do not.)

I love you Chris!

1 comment:

Grandma Bailey said...

I love your lists, you and Chris.