Sunday, July 18, 2010

Saturday's Warrior and Potty Training

My good friend Julie and I went and saw the play "110 in the Shade" (the musical version of "The Rainmaker) down in Orem.  And guess what!  The dad from the movie Saturday's Warrior was in it!  I was super-excited.  Some of you may not care, but I know my sisters will think it's awesome.

In other news, I've decided to potty train Dutch in the next two weeks.  Call, e-mail, or comment your advice.  I need all the help I can get.


Just Julie said...

I can give absolutely zero advice. Except that I love you muches, too, and good luck with the potty training. (I'm assuming the "good luck" curse doesn't apply to potty training)

Heidi Noel said...

If he is not ready, don't push it. Seriously, he decides, not you.