Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Good News and a Little Bad

Today we went for Dutch's 2-year well-baby pediatric visit.  While Dr. Lash was super nice and extra helpful, I did miss Dr. Shaver and all of his nurses and MA's.  Oh well though.

Dutch is 34 lbs 2 oz, putting him in the 96th percentile for his age.
He is 37.5 inches tall, which puts him in the 97th percentile.
His head is 49.5 cm around, so he's in the 60th percentile.
Yup, he's a fat guy with a tiny head. :)

He struggled and screamed and wiggled through the entire visit.  He didn't want his weight taken, or his temperature, or his head measured, or his heart listened to... You get the idea.  It was a very big struggle to handle him alone.

The good news is he his healthy and normal in almost every way.  The bad news is that his speech is WAY behind.  The doctor referred me to the early intervention program through the school district, so we'll hopefully get all of that figured out soon.

All in all, it was a very exhausting morning, but I'm glad it's over and done with for another year!

1 comment:

Melodie Anne said...

One of my nephews was really slow to talk (about Dutch's age) and they started him in an intervention program. It seemed like he went from only a few words to a non-stop talker in just a few weeks! It's crazy how fast kids pick things up. Glad the boy is healthy- so weird that little tiny Pam would have such a big boy!