Tuesday, May 25, 2010

A List for Tuesday

5 Things I've Learned This Week:

1. Dutch does not yet grasp the mechanics of a fort.  He wants to climb ON the blankets and not under them.
2. Snow in May sucks worse than snow any other time.
3. The more I have to do the less I want to do it.
4. Teenagers are way more impressed than adults when you say you're a writer.
5. Me making a fort with my arms and legs covered in a blanket is just about the coolest thing Dutch has ever seen.

What have you learned this week?

1 comment:

Ash, O, Ava Jo and Demi Lu said...

Am I considered an adult? Cuz I think its pretty cool and impressive that you're a writer...and I hope that one day, I'll be reading your books and can say...I know this person! How cool will that make me!