This last week Dutch had a lot of firsts:
He had his first plane ride and was such an angel! On all four flights (we had two layovers) he fell asleep just before or during the take-off and most of the time slept through the whole flight.
He went swimming for the first time and decided that being held by Uncle Carl in the hot tub is WAY better than sitting in a floaty in the pool.
He got his first top row tooth! And has two more top teeth on the way.
He met his first little dog, Emmaline the Yorkie, and was never quite sure what he thought of her.
He took his first tumble from a chair. He took his first tumble from a couch. He took his first tumble in a pool. He did not care for any of them, but received no permanent damage.
He went berry picking for the first time and enjoyed eating the berries a lot, but did NOT enjoy it when he kicked the blackberry bush and cut up his leg and foot.
He spent quality time with a baby his size (although nearly a year older than him) and liked Abigail, even though she tried to ride him like a pony. And yes, it was as hilarious as it sounds.
He got to meet lots and lots of new people and he loved them all!