Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A List for Tuesday

Five Goals I Have for This Year:

1. Keep growing my hair out, which doesn't mean I'm never going to cut it, just that I won't cut it a lot.
2. Finish my novel by the end of this semester so I can spend next semester doing re-writes.
3. Finally lose my baby weight and get down to my pre-pregnancy weight, or at least somewhere near it.
4. Take lots of pictures and spend lots of time with Dutchie.
5. Read more, watch less TV.

1 comment:

Just Julie said...

Wow, your goals look strangely similar to mine! Except I'm not writing a book, and instead of taking pictures of Dutchie I'll just take more pictures, let my hair grow out, lose weight that is in no way related to pregnancy, and read lots more, which should be helpful if I never get my tv ready for the digital transfer.

Look at us, two peas in a pod!
Miss you!