Tuesday, March 6, 2012

A List for Tuesday

This post is in honor of my sister Carianne who just learned she's partially deaf in her left ear. I've been partially deaf in my left ear for 10+ years, so I have some tips to offer her.

5 Awesome Things About Being Partially Deaf
(in no particular order)
1. When you're trying to sleep and there's a lot of noise, just lay down with your deaf ear up. The noise disappears (or softens) and you can get the sleep you need without having to constantly yell "SHUT UP!"
2. If you go to the movies with someone who talks too much just have them sit on your deaf side. When they blabber on through the movie you can just smile and nod and enjoy not hearing them.
3. When your children are yelling you can say, "I can't hear you when you use that tone of voice."
4. Plays will often accommodate you by giving you a helpful hearing device. This makes sure you don't miss any of the jokes that even your hearing friends might miss.
5. When you have to come up with an interesting thing about yourself at those stupid getting-to-know-you activities you can say, "I'm deaf in my left ear" and everyone will immediately think you're awesome for hearing as well as you do.

Bonus: You now have an excuse to learn American Sign Language, just in case.


Heidi Noel said...

Kinda worried about myself and my children now. But, you are amazing anyway, so there is hope. ;)

Cari said...

Hahaha! That was AWESOME! Thank you!

lori vliegen said...

these are super tips......i love people who make lemonade out of lemons!! :))) hope you have a weekend that's filled with things that make you happy!! xox