Monday, June 6, 2011

A Little Help

Dane and I had our first rough night last night. This is amazing because he's over a month old. Not amazing because I'm super-tired and he's still fussy.

The reason he was up last night is because he was grunting and groaning. I think he had an upset tummy. I'm wondering if it was something I ate.

So here's my questions: How do I know if it's something I ate? and, If it was, how do I figure out what I need to not eat again?


Heidi Noel said...

I kept a food journal with Mallory and systematically eliminated items for a few days. I found out that it was peanut butter. Most common food problems are dairy, broccoli and chocolate so mine was difficult to catch.

Heidi Noel said...

Oh, also try running his legs and pushing them into his tummy to help with gas. We have done that with each of our kiddos at one point or another. Milicon drops help a bit, too.

Samantha said...

I would start with taking dairy out first. Athena acted like that all the time (She REFUSED to breastfeed so she was on formula) Once she was off dairy she was almost like a different kid. She still had very restless sleep though and was still cranky, but not anywhere near to what she was when she was on dairy. I figured out that neither of us can have gluten and a week after she did that, she slept through the night for the first time! (she was 19 months old) From what Ive heard it can take awhile for the reaction to dairy to go away. Like a week. A food journal is a good idea too!