Sunday, May 1, 2011


Dane and I returned from the hospital today. Tomorrow I will regale you with the whole tale of labor and delivery. Today, however, I have a funny story to tell you.

I needed my prescriptions filled - badly. I was in a lot of pain. So Chris and Dutch went to Walgreens today to fill them. While Chris was talking to the pharmacist (who, in Chris's words, looked to be 13 and possibly high) Dutch decided he needed a few things.

He went to the front, got a cart, went down the candy and toy aisle, and picked a few things out. He then proceeded to the check-out line, where two people got in line behind him! Luckily Chris intervened before Dutch got to the counter (I'm not sure how Dutch planned on paying).

Two things: Dutch is too smart for his own good, and what kind of person gets in line behind a two year old?


Heather said...

HAHAHA! Dutch is too smart for his own good.

Heidi Noel said...

That was such a funny visual. I would have panicked seeing a two year old in line and tried to help him find his parent(s). However, he looks bigger than a 2 year old.