Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A List for Tuesday

Five Reasons I'm Looking Forward to Getting Dutch Potty-Trained
(in no particular order)

1. I would love to have only one kid in diapers (though none would be better)
2. Hes so big it's getting to the point where we'll have to buy him adult Depends if he doesn't get potty-trained soon
3. Again, because he's so big he's beginning to look a little silly in diapers
4. It will be another way for him to "prove" he's a big boy
5. It's time

1 comment:

Samantha said...

Hahaha the "adult depends" comment made me laugh. I fear Athena will be like that too. She is already is size 6 of diapers and has been for a few months now and she is only 19 months!