Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Dane's 2-Week Doctor Visit

Today we went in for Dane's 2-week well-baby visit. Chris was at work (his first day back since the baby was born) and Dutch has had a cough so I didn't feel good about asking anyone else to watch him. I didn't want my outbreak monkey to infect anyone else's kids. So Dutch, Dane, and I all made the trek to the doctor's office. Besides having to wait for the first time since we started seeing this pediatrician, the visit went really well. Dane's weight is up and he's doing great. He has a very sad diaper rash, but the doctor prescribed something to help with it. The doctor also said that Dane has the strongest rooting reflex that he's ever seen! It made me laugh because it's so true. No matter who is holding him he roots around to see if there's any food to be had. Cute little piggy.

When Dutch was a baby he made little growly noises like a dog, so we called him Puppy. Dane purrs when he's eating (seriously, he does) and mews when he's upset, so he's like a kitty. The one thing he has in common with his big brother though is his complete mellowness. Dutch was a really mellow baby until he hit 18 months. I'm hoping Dane stays mellow too (though I wouldn't complain if he waited until he was a little older to become wild).

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