Thursday, April 28, 2011

38 Weeks and Four-Sevenths

I went to the doctor today. I didn't realize until today how much weight I've put on, especially considering how much I lost in the first trimester!

Anyway, I am dilated to a "good 4, almost 4 1/2" and she stripped my membranes; which sounds way more civilized than it actually is, may I say. If I don't go into labor this weekend I am going to be induced on Monday, just because I'm so dilated and all that. However, I don't think I'll make it that long. I've had a few contractions in the last hour and if all goes the way it did with Dutch this baby might just share a birthday with his Uncle Carl.

Speaking of which: HAPPY BIRTHDAY CARL!

P.S. Baby is still lacking a full name. At this rate his birth certificate will read Something Neal Davis.

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