Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A List for Tuesday

Five Things Dutch Does That Make Me Laugh:

1. When Chris comes home Dutch greets him with a "Hi Daddy!"  The way he says it sounds very southern and it's pretty funny.
2. If our car is stopped at a light he gets very impatient and starts pointing at the road, "Go! Go! Go!"
3. If he starts playing with something he's not supposed to (like my laptop or Chris's Kindle) he gets this innocent look on his face as he tries to sneak it away.
4. When we go outside at night he looks all over for the moon, gets really excited and yells, "Boon!"
5.  Everything he thinks is cool must be shared with Daddy.  He'll repeat "Daddy!" over and over and over again until he gets Chris's attention and can point out whatever it is that amazes him.

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