Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day

Today my friend is spending her first Father's Day without her dad.  It has made me think a lot about the dads in my life and how grateful I am for them.  I'll try to keep it short.

First of all, my dad is the best.  He has all these lame puns that he repeats over and over again, but we love him anyway.  He has a wonderful singing voice and I can't hear songs from West Side Story or Man of La Mancha without thinking of him.  He was always singing!  When we were little my dad used to make my sisters and me breakfast when my mom taught early-morning seminary.  My favorite thing in the world is his oven cinnamon toast.  It takes like 2 seconds to make and I still make it for myself when I have a bad day.  My dad and I have gotten to be better friends in the past few years and I'm very grateful for that.  I love him and miss him and I hope he knows what a great dad he is.

Secondly, my father-in-law is great.  When we first met I was afraid he didn't like me because he's pretty quiet at first.  As time went on I knew that he loved me and I was excited to be his first "daughter."  Of course I can't talk about Greg without talking about Dutch.  My little boy absolutely adores his grandpa and chooses Greg over Chris or me any day.  My father-in-law is also a great cook.  Some of my favorite memories are of the entire Davis clan going up to the cabin and Greg making breakfast for everyone (even Bo).  I feel very lucky to have such a great father-in-law.

Lastly, but not least, my husband is an amazing father.  When I was pregnant Chris didn't seem terribly interested in the baby and I really worried about that.  The moment Dutch was born Chris became the best dad.  He still surprises me with how generous, loving, and creative he is when dealing with our almost-two-year-old.  I will admit to being a lazy mom when Chris is around because he's so much better at wrangling Dutch than I am.  I promise I'll work on it though.  Thank you for being a good father and taking such great care of Dutch and me.  I love you.

How did I get so lucky?


Grandma Bailey said...

Thank you for the tie. I love it! You are a wonderful daugther and I'm grateful for the fine young lady you've become. You have a great husband and exceptional son!

Heidi Noel said...

I still make cinnamon toast as "comfort food", too.