Friday, February 12, 2010

An Explanation

So I used to be a very faithful blogger.  It was never much of a struggle for me to write a blog at least 5 days a week.  Lately I have been struggling to even post one a week and when I do it's usually a short, pitiful one.

So I feel that I owe you, all of my faithful blog readers, an explanation.  Here it is:

I have nothing to say.

Chris is in Pennsylvania and Dutch and I are here.  After spending the day watching him (and Baby Alexis) and chasing him I don't really feel like re-living it by writing it down.  I'm tired all the time, I have a short fuse and no patience.  It doesn't matter to Dutch when I've run out of energy, though.  He keeps going, keeps getting into everything he's not supposed to get into, and ignoring his toys completely.  Throws tantrums when I scold him or take something away.  Keeps waking up in the middle of the night and wants to get in bed with me, then proceeds to move around until I feel like punching him.  (For example: last night he woke up at 2am and rolled around on the bed, supposedly trying to get comfortable, until 4am.  I couldn't get to sleep until about 5am.)

In short, if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all.  So if I don't blog, you know it's because there's nothing nice to say.


Just Julie said...

Love you.

Cari said...

Offer still and always stands. I love you!

Tara Mogle said...

I love to hear a brutally honest post, especially when it comes to motherhood. Hang in there. One day they just get a tiny itty-bitty little bit easier and not so busy and needy!

And they like their toys...for a minute or two :)

Hayden said...

Hey babe! I was wondering what you were up to. So if you ever get bored (or need to get out)- you can guys can come and play with me and the boys. I don't work Monday or Fridays- and I'm only like 20-25 minutes away. Or I could come and meet you for a lunch or something! Let me know when you are available! Seriously, I haven't seen you forever!