Saturday, November 14, 2009

A Little Help

I need some help. My baby has taken to self-torture. When he gets angry (and sometimes even when he's not) he bashes his head against the wall or door or floor. Today he gave himself a huge goose-egg on his forehead after beating it against the hardwood repeatedly.

What do I do?


Heidi Noel said...

It is normal for the age. Marcus did it a lot and even cut his eye on the zipper of his hanging laundry bag. Mostly you try to make them as safe as possible. Is he doing it when he has a tantrum? I tried to put Marcus in his crib without anything in there (like stuffed animals and such) until he was in a toddler bed. Then I just had to try and hold him. Not fun, sorry. (Marcus still beats himself up, literally, when he feels bad about something. I DON'T like it.)

Heather said...

There really is nothing you can do. You need to ignore it because he does it for attention. Evie throws herself on the ground and bangs her head on the floor when she doesn't get her way. She has been doing this for about 6 months.