Sunday, July 3, 2011

Dane's Baby Blessing

This is how Dane spent most of the day today.
My little fellow is so mellow!

Today was Dane's baby blessing. Chris and I chose to do it today for a couple of reasons: It's a long weekend, and Dutch's birthday is tomorrow. Why not kill two birds with one stone? So a HUGE chunk of family and friends descended on the Singles Ward where my father-in-law is in the Bishopric.

It was an amazing day! There were so many people I loved there and it was a truly overwhelming experience to see so many people who cared about us all in one place. Chris did a beautiful job on the blessing (his mother, who was taking it down in short-hand, scolded him for talking so quickly and using so many big words).

After the blessing our HUGE group of people descended on my in-laws home where we had lunch and cake and celebrated both of my boys. Dutch got to open presents and had so much fun! He also decided, before everyone had even gotten there, that pants were for suckers and took his off. Luckily he got a pair of swim shorts for his birthday that he wanted to put on or he would have been part-naked all day!

Here is a (probably incomplete) list of people who were at the blessing today: 
Chris, Pam, Dutch, Dane
Mama (Beckie), Daddy (Clyde)
Mom (Kellie), Dad (Greg)
Grandma Davis, Grandpa Davis
Grandpa Morgan
Popi, Doreen
Heidi, Marcus, Anneke, Luke, Mallory
Josh, Dawn
Machelle, Amy
Aunt Pat
Aunt Cathy, Libby
Matt, Holly, Ashlyn, Savannah
Aunt Marianne
Julianna, Jared, Thomas
Sara, Dallin
Katherine, Mitchell, Joseph, Annabelle
Samantha, Athena
Hayden, Harper
Clarissa, Cambria
Julie (who is the only non-family member to be at both Dutch's and Dane's baby blessings)

I was worried we wouldn't have enough food, but I don't think anyone went away hungry! Here are a few more pictures from the day. I'm so sad for those of you who couldn't be here, and so grateful to those that were!
 Popi's and Heidi's shoulders, Jared, Julianna, Daddy

 An awesome shot of Heidi!

 Hayden, Harper (4 days younger than Dane), Josh, Dawn, Grandpa Morgan
 Cat, Julie

 Anneke, Thomas (1 week older than Dane), Lukers

 Athena and Samantha



 Christina and Dallin, both caught unawares

 Amy, Zaque (making that face on purpose), Dane

 Dane being held by Uncle Josh

Mama, Heidi

 Marcus, Dane, Joseph

Dutch opening a present, back of Luke's head

Most awesome picture of the day:
Zaque helping Dane pick his nose


Just Julie said...

I didn't get to hold Dane once today! :)

It was a lovely blessing and a beautiful day! I'm so glad I got to be there for both your boys' blessing days.

Love you!

Anonymous said...

I am so happy for you! What a fun day! I'm very, very glad that Katherine and Samantha and their families could be there with you. I wish that I could have made arrangements for the rest of us to be there, too.

Shelley said...

I LOVE him! I wish I could have been there. He's such a little perfect muffin. You are so blessed!