- Since having kids my brain holds less information. Without lists I would forget pretty much everything.
- I love having what I need to do/want to read/want to buy all in one place for easy access.
- Lists bring order to my universe.
- I feel like a member of an exclusive club (with members the likes of Benjamin Franklin). I'm a Lister. Now I just need to make up a secret handshake.
- They are a brief way to get information across.
- When I come across an old list it sometimes brings back amazing memories.
- Lists aren't confining; they're freeing!
- A list is like a snapshot of someone's day/week/month/year.
- The minute you write something down it becomes more real.
I know that my "A List for Tuesday" is a favorite among my blog readers. Why do you like lists?
Pam, I've followed your blog for a long time and I do love your "List for Tuesday" posts. I make to-do lists at the start of most weeks because for me, they're like the pensives in Harry Potter--they are a place to store information that would otherwise just be floating around inside my head, stressing me out. Plus it's just so much fun to cross things off:) Other lists are fun for all the reasons you've "listed."
I have always been a Lister. It keeps me organized. That is part of why I like pinterest. I am thinking of making a list of my pinterest finds now. Haha!
I like lists because they can be as detailed or as general as I want them to be. They let me break things down in a way that I struggle to do inside my head.
Love this list - Lists are great for just getting stuff out... it's very satisfying. I love going back to my dream house ammenities list, and what would I do without my "want to buy when..." list!? it's especially fun when they turn into spreadsheets :)
I've always *wanted* to be a list-maker. Is there an immersion class?
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