Tuesday, August 23, 2011

A List for Tuesday

I've decided to make a "30 Before 30" list of things to do, but I think I'll need some suggestions. Keep in mind that it's only about a year and a half before I turn 30 and that I have two kids, so pretty much anything abroad is not an option. Here's what I have so far:

1. Get one of my books published.
2. Go to Disneyland.
3. Own a piece of jewelry from Tiffany & Co.
4. Learn how to knit something other than a scarf.
5. Take a class on letter pressing.
6. Take a road trip.
7. Go horseback riding.
8. Finally get a honeymoon with Chris.
9. Plant a vegetable garden.
10. Learn how to salsa dance.

Okay, so I only have ten. I need some suggestions! And...GO!


Heidi Noel said...

Find a meal you enjoy cooking and eating? Go hang gliding/bungy jumping etc.?

Cari said...

I'll baby sit for the honeymoon if you need me to!! Love it!

Grandma Bailey said...

I've taken you horse back riding.
- dad

pambelina said...

I know, Daddy, and that was the last time I went!