Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A List for Tuesday

5 Things You Might Not Know About Sweet Baby Dane
1. He smiles all the time and has the sweetest smile in the world!
2. When I turn on the light or open the curtain he turns his face toward it. He's like a little sunflower.
3. I can count on one hand the number of hard days or nights that we've had.
4. He gets the hiccups. A lot.
5. His little body is in almost constant motion. Sometimes it wears me out seeing how much he moves!

5 Things You Might Not Know About Dutchie
1. His favorite color is orange (but it might be because it's one of the only colors he can say).
2. Every morning he brings out his train tracks and sets up an elaborate course to play on for the day.
3. He's talking so much more! I can still only understand about 20% of what he says, but at least he's talking.
4. If there are peaches in the house he won't eat any other fruit.
5. When we watch a show he always likes to have a blanket on him, not to keep him warm, but just to snuggle with.

5 Things You Might Not Know About Bo
1. His muzzle and paws are turning gray.
2. He's getting crotchety in his "old" age. His tolerance for shenanigans is much lower than it used to be and he gets annoyed a lot easier.
3. In addition to being blind he is now going deaf. He barks at just about anything, real or not.
4. He prefers people food to dog food.
5. Instead of sleeping at the foot of my side of the bed he now prefers to sleep on the couch (which makes me sad).


Grandma Bailey said...

Your list kind of made me sad. It is really a day in your life. We had such a good time and you described how your life is just spot on. Love you

Tina said...

This was so cute!! You have such adorable little boys. I love you Pammy!

Melodie Anne said...

Cute! Sometimes I wonder if Obie wouldn't prefer to sleep on the couch too. Difference is that he can't get down from the bed so he has no choice.